snow diet 

It’s snowing outside, so as an on-a-deadline, work-from-home, well-stocked-up fellow in an apartment with dear wife and dog and tacos, I’m good.

Beyond that, here are three bits of media I might put on today:

RWD Podcast about the making of the new Lapham’s Quarterly site.

Video of Susan J Robertson’s “Style Guides: Why Bother?” talk.

And a new Adam Curtis film: Bitter Lake. (Yay, Tunnelbear!)

duet display 

A few weeks on, I’m still very happy with Duet Display, which lets you use an iPad as a second screen for a Mac.

(At this moment, I’m watching a movie on that second screen while typing this.) It works well and seems like something that should’ve/could’ve/would’ve been native to how these things just are.