Ran into a funny one today while working through learning the (link: https://github.com/pixelandtonic/HappyLager text: CraftCMS demo site):
With happylager.dev set up in MAMP on MacOS, I got spun out trying to determine how to edit the homepage content on the demo site because the admin page at http://happylager.dev/admin/entries/homepage/2-homepage looked like this:
(image: screen-shot-2016-01-19-at-5.36.58-pm.png)
Being new to Craft, I didn't realize it should look like:
(image: screen-shot-2016-01-19-at-5.39.27-pm.png)
After a while, I looked at the source and found this:
Fatal error: Maximum function nesting level of '100' reached, aborting! in /Users/max/Code/Craft-Tutorial/craft/app/models/BaseModel.php on line 258
Since I don't really use MAMP for development anyway, I simply turned off xDebug in its PHP settings:
(image: mamp_xdebug_2016.png)
and now the admin side of the Craft demo is working as it should.
My plan for this week is to get a complete functional prototype of a client site built to match wireframes. Lots of content types that Craft seems well suited for. Pretty stoked.