twitter less 

I don’t want to be on twitter anymore.

I downloaded an archive of @maxfenton, renamed the account to @maxfenton_, deactivated it, and re-registered @maxfenton as a locked and tweet-less account. It was a good run and I met many of my most favorite people there.

Here I am, now, with two feet on the ground, and a whole lot of screens.

I mean it. If I've learned anything by working on the web it's that everything is made by people, all the way to the core.

Thank you.

Sitting here, late at night, clicking and typing in little boxes, thinking of how much I enjoy doing this. Seems a propos to list those apps and windows.

Sublime Text 3 (with CSScomb, GitGutter, and SFTP and Wombat Theme)
– Chrome and Safari and Firefox Aurora
– Bitbucket’s SourceTree
Xcode iOS Simulator
Billings Pro

Pretty darn swell to be on the clock writing code for something I’d wanted to make for a few years, with someone I admire, for someone I admire.