local wordpress development 

Once you have Vagrant and VVV and VV set up, this is how you make a local Wordpress instance for development:

Image Alt

From there, Migrate DB Pro can pull your WP database and media files.

*There might be a way to automate plugins lists, but for now I'm just keeping a text file list of active plugins on various sites.

Regarding the Pain of Others 
> Something becomes real—to those who are elsewhere, following it as "news"—by being photographed. -- > Those who stress the evidentiary punch of image-making by cameras have to finesse the question of the subjectivity of the image- maker. For the photography of atrocity, people want the weight of witnessing without the taint of artistry, which is equated with insincerity or mere contrivance. -- > But one day captions will be needed, of course. -- [__Regarding the Pain of Others__ – Susan Sontag](http://www.susansontag.com/SusanSontag/books/regardingPain.shtml)