twitter less 

I don’t want to be on twitter anymore.

I downloaded an archive of @maxfenton, renamed the account to @maxfenton_, deactivated it, and re-registered @maxfenton as a locked and tweet-less account. It was a good run and I met many of my most favorite people there.

Here I am, now, with two feet on the ground, and a whole lot of screens.


Sitting here, late at night, clicking and typing in little boxes, thinking of how much I enjoy doing this. Seems a propos to list those apps and windows.

Sublime Text 3 (with CSScomb, GitGutter, and SFTP and Wombat Theme)
– Chrome and Safari and Firefox Aurora
– Bitbucket’s SourceTree
Xcode iOS Simulator
Billings Pro

Pretty darn swell to be on the clock writing code for something I’d wanted to make for a few years, with someone I admire, for someone I admire.